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Release VOD:  20 februari 2023

Regi: Lukasz Gutt, Lukasz Ronduda

I rollerna: Dawid Ogrodnik, Maria Maj, Andrzej Chyra, Oskar Rybaczek mfl.
Genre: Drama, Biografi
Land: Polen
Längd:  90 min

Synopsis: Daniel är en ung konstnär som slits mellan sin by, storstädernas konstmuseum, den katolska kyrkan och sin homosexuella identitet. När hans lesbiska vän tar livet av sig efter att ha utstått homofobi och trakasserier blir Daniels mål att försöka ena sitt samhälle med den ultimata konstinstallationen. Samtidigt vill han undvika att förlora Olek, en lokal man som inte kan erkänna sin sexualitet men som Daniel älskar ändå. 

“All Our Fears shines a dazzling light on a European country that has veered drastically towards intolerance and where a number of villages have declared themselves LGBTQ-free zones. It also proves that Polish cinema retains its all-time greatness in exploring the cracks in its social fabric” - Cineuropa
“"All our fears" is worth watching as a western in which the Polish province serves as a prairie, on which the cowboy - the main character - rides his motorbike like a horse” - Vogue Poland
“What sets ‘All Our Fears’ apart, and what makes it so compelling, is its strong religious undercurrent, as well as presence, and the way that the filmmakers capitalize on how Daniel is both gay and an observant Catholic” - Slant Magazine
“it’s not just a movie about discrimination, it’s a drama about much bigger issues that I’m sure will excite more than one viewer” - The Postedia

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