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Theatrical release:  1st of June 2018

Release VOD: 3rd of October 2018 

Director: Jonas Carpignano

Cast: Pio Amato, Koudous Seihon, Damiano Amato 
Genre: Drama
Country: Italy
Length:  118 min

Synopsis: Pio Amato, a 14 year-old member of a small Romani community in southern Italian town of Gioia Tauro in Calabria, is in a hurry to grow up. Pio follows his older brother Cosimo everywhere and from him he learns how to hustle and how to navigate the streets of his hometown. One night Pio sets out to prove to his brother that he is as good or better than him but, when things go wrong, a series of events will forever change the way he sees the world.


A Ciambra was Italy's Oscar nomination - a drama from the south of Italy with the young Romani boy Pio. The film is an authentic coming-of-age story where the majority of roles are filled by people in the community.


Press material, stills and poster

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