Release VOD: 11th of October 2021
Director: JJ Winlove
Cast: Noni Hazlehurst, Claudia Karvan, Stephen Curry
Genre: Drama
Country: Australia
Length: 96 min
Synopsis: When life gives you a new chance, remember to take it
June has lived several years with severe dementia until one day when she miraculously wakes up like her old self. She has only a few days to bring together her estranged children, save the family’s wallpaper business and rekindle an old flame. A romantic adventure that touches our hearts.
”★ ★ ★ ★ “Varm, klok och lekfull” - Screen Hub
”Hazlehurst stjäl showen” The Australian
”Lysande skådespel” - The Sydney Morning Herald
“En feel-good-film om demens? June Again är en vinnare.” - ABC Radio
“En vacker film… välskriven, välregisserad, välspelad.” Screen Realm
”En minnesvärd film om demens” Cream Magazine