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Release VOD:  17th of October 2022

Director: Andreas Doyle

Cast: Emma Westas Rödin, Siri Strand
Genre: Documentary
Country: USA
Lenght: 98 min

Rating: TBA

Pillerpodden was founded by Emma Westas Rödin and Siri Strand with the goal of improving mental health among young people. in 2017 they also founded the non-profit organization Vår Tur. Their experience based knowledge made them experts in being young and living with mental health issues. With the help of recent studies, their goal was to prevent suicidal tendencies and improve mental health over time..

They also wrote the book Ryck Upp Mig and have traveled Sweden with over 300 lectures.

Emma and Siri have won awards and been acknowledged by many organizations, politicians, schools and regions. Their ability to talk to young people directly made them popular, but the popularity had consequences they didn't expect.

Their podcast Pillerpodden had over 100 000 listeners per week.

“​​Rapport efter rapport visar att den psykiska ohälsan bland unga fortsätter att öka. Och det blir inte bättre av att vi inte pratar om det. Men det gäller inte bara att våga göra det med den drabbade – det ska även göras på rätt sätt. Siri och Emma berättar hur” - TV4

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